Something I did today that I should do more often: ate food I made from actual ingredients in my own house.
Something that really didn't surprise me today: really old Malt-o-Meal from the back of the refrigerator tastes kind of rancid. That wasn't the only food as mentioned above, thankfully.
Something that did surprise me today: Even when it's cold and wet out, and everyone else is inside with the heater, Dill prefers to hang out in the back yard. Someone has to monitor the birds and squirrels, I suppose.
Something I did today that I should do less often: slept late and wasted the morning. I guess "wasted" is a loaded word. I could have been up at 6am and I still wasn't going to get much done in the soup outside. Deferred the day, let's say.
Something I did today just to exercise my brain: tried to write out the chords from Moonlight Sonata from memory. I didn't get very far, and strongly suspect I got some wrong. It did help me learn to play a little of it on the guitar, though.
Something I did today that almost nobody ever does: roasted my own coffee in a popcorn popper.
Something I didn't do today that practically everybody does: watch football. I'd have said watch TV, but I'll probably do that before the day is out.
Something I'm determined to do today despite the weather: get these stir-crazy dogs to someplace they can run around awhile.
Something I've been meaning to do and might get to: empty the compost bucket. Now that it has some really fragrant chopped onion that was in the fridge too long, I think it's pretty likely.
Something I probably won't: mop the kitchen.
Primary short-term goal: organization.
mid-term: move to the country.
long-term: ?